Source code for postmarker.models.bounces


Information about bounces is available via the :py:class:`~postmarker.models.bounces.BounceManager`,
which is an attribute of ``postmark`` instance.
from .base import MessageModel, ModelManager

[docs]class Bounce(MessageModel): """Bounce model.""" @property def dump(self): """Gets SMTP data dump. :return: Dump of SMTP data if it is available. :rtype: `str` or `None` """ return self._manager.get_dump(self.ID)
[docs] def activate(self): """Activates the bounce instance and updates it with the latest data. :return: Activation status. :rtype: `str` """ response = self._manager.activate(self.ID) self._update(response["Bounce"]) return response["Message"]
[docs]class BounceManager(ModelManager): """Encapsulates logic about bounces.""" name = "bounces" model = Bounce @property def deliverystats(self): """Returns number of inactive emails and list of bounce types with total counts. :rtype: `dict` """ return"GET", "/deliverystats") @property def tags(self): """A list of tags that have generated bounces for a given server. :rtype: `list` """ return"GET", "/bounces/tags")
[docs] def get(self, id): """Returns a single bounce. :param int id: Bounce ID. :rtype: :py:class:`Bounce` """ response ="GET", "/bounces/%s" % id) return self._init_instance(response)
[docs] def all( self, count=500, offset=0, type=None, inactive=None, emailFilter=None, tag=None, messageID=None, fromdate=None, todate=None, ): """Returns many bounces. :param int count: Number of bounces to return per request. :param int offset: Number of bounces to skip. :param str type: Filter by type of bounce. :param bool inactive: Filter by emails that were deactivated by Postmark due to the bounce. :param str emailFilter: Filter by email address. :param str tag: Filter by tag. :param str messageID: Filter by messageID. :param date fromdate: Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). :param date todate: Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). :return: A list of :py:class:`Bounce` instances. :rtype: `list` """ responses = self.call_many( "GET", "/bounces/", count=count, offset=offset, type=type, inactive=inactive, emailFilter=emailFilter, tag=tag, messageID=messageID, fromdate=fromdate, todate=todate, ) return self.expand_responses(responses, "Bounces")
[docs] def activate(self, id): """Activates a bounce. :param int id: Bounce ID. :return: Activation result and bounce data. :rtype: `dict` """ return"PUT", "/bounces/%s/activate" % id)
[docs] def get_dump(self, id): """Gets an SMTP data dump. :param int id: Bounce ID. :return: A dump of SMTP data if it is available. :rtype: `str` or `None` """ return"GET", "/bounces/%s/dump" % id).get("Body")
[docs] def Bounce(self, json): """Constructs new Bounce instance from JSON-encoded string. Intended to use for bounce webhook processing. :param json: `str` :return: :py:class:`Bounce` """ return self.model.from_json(json, manager=self)