

Information about bounces is available via the BounceManager, which is an attribute of postmark instance.

>>> postmark.bounces

You can get a list of bounces with the all() method:

>>> postmark.bounces.all()
[<Bounce: 943247350>, <Bounce: 924829573>]

Default number of bounces, which will be returned is 500 to fit in single network request. More than 500 items will be fetching in multiple network requests:

>>> postmark.bounces.all(count=1001)
[<Bounce: 943247350>, <Bounce: 924829573>, ...]

Here it will be 3 network requests, single one is limited by 500 items. To load all available data, pass None as count value.

Every bounce instance is represented by its ID. You can search be specifying the ID.

>>> bounce = postmark.bounces.get(943247350)
>>> bounce
<Bounce: 943247350>

Bounce could be activated.

>>> bounce.activate()

Or you can get an SMTP dump if it is available.

>>> bounce.dump
'A lot of text'

Also, you can access to corresponding OutboundMessage instance via message property.

>>> bounce.message
<Sent message to>